The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.

10 December 2008

Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Explorer

29% Elegant, 45% Technological, 40% Historical, 76% Adventurous and 17% Playful!

You are the Explorer, the embodiment of steampunk’s adventuring spirit. For you, clothing should be rugged and reliable, and just as functional as it is attractive. You probably prefer khaki or leather, and your accessories are as likely to include weapons as technological gizmos. You probably wear boots and gloves, and maybe a pith helmet. Most of what you wear is functional, and if you happen to wear goggles people had better believe that you use them. In addition to Victorian exploration gear, your outfit probably includes little knickknacks from your various travels. Above all, you are a charming blend of rugged Victorian daring and exotic curiosity.

Try our other Steampunk test here.

Take The Steampunk Style Test
at HelloQuizzy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait--I get to COMMENT on this entry?! You never allow comments, Dad!

Now just what, exactly, is a steampunk? Whatever it is, the developers of this quiz seem to have you pretty well pegged. Other than the whole Victorian thing.

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