The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.

04 April 2010

Help, I've FALlen and I Can't Get Up!

I've finally received the SA58 I've had on order from DSA for the last six months. Saturday was spent at the range breaking in the barrel. Lots and lots of cleaning, and very little shooting, but what shooting I did, I sure enjoyed. After beating my shoulder up with Mosins, my Mauser and my K31, it was a pleasure to shoot. Very soft recoil on the order of my SKS, and the trigger job I had DSA perform helped as well.

I haven't had a chance to sight it in yet, but can tell it's going to take some work. Shooting at the gongs on the range, it's quite a bit low. Silly me, I didn't order the appropriate front sight adjustment tool with the rifle, so I've got a week's wait until I can screw it down some. Gosh, oh gee, I'll just have to take it to the range again next weekend. Darn the bad luck.
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I'm well on my way to a cantankerous old age waiting for the Singularity.

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