The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.

09 January 2009

Lazy Weekend Ahead

We've got a nice three day weekend, so today was spent running a couple of errands. A few things remain undone for tomorrow, but they won't take long. We've got a gun/antique show in town this weekend, so I'm hoping to get over there and oogle some potential new toys. If I can find a nice Mosin, it'll probably go home with me. I could also be persuaded to pick up an Enfield, but am less knowledgeable about them, so I wouldn't feel as confident about appropriate prices. In any event, I'm setting a $200 limit for myself, so there definitely won't be anything fancy coming home with me. Sunday will be range day. I need to sight in the SKS, and desperately need some handgun practice.

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I'm well on my way to a cantankerous old age waiting for the Singularity.

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