The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.

16 February 2009

Any Day Shooting is a Good Day

It was a little cold and windy, but I opened up the range for myself and had a good day. The 22/45 ate up about 150 rounds on the plinking range, and then I shot through a 100 round box of Winchester 9mm. The P-11 got 20 rounds and the P-01, 80.

It's been a while since I've shot the Kel-Tec, and it showed. In my hands at least, it's a little finicky. You've got to have a very tight grip, or it has issues cycling. Part of my problem, I'm sure, is that I was using my standard floorplate magazine. The one with the grip extension is a bit easier.

The CZ, of course, is always a pleasure to shoot. When I do my part, it does very well, and the ergonomics of it make it easy to do my part. I can always use more practice, but I feel very, very confident with it as my daily carry piece.

Now, off to the next item on the checklist for today: calling AIM Surplus to see if they're open. If they are, I'm going to order a CZ-82 and a hex receiver Mosin. For bonus points, take a look at this little beauty. Too bad I don't have a spare grand lying around.

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