It was a nice, rainy afternoon at the range today, so there weren't too many people there. More range officers than public, in fact. That let me have half the range to myself for over an hour, which was exactly what I wanted.
First up, was my new-to-me P-64. I had a dozen rounds of Hornady 9x18 hollow points and a box of Silver Bear FMJ with me. Unfortunately, the Silver Bear didn't pass the "magnet test" and I couldn't shoot it while another range officer was on duty. We don't like steel bullets because of the fire risk, and I didn't want to put another RO at risk while the range was open to the public, so that stayed in the range bag. The Hornady it was to be, so I loaded up six rounds, said a quick prayer and pulled the trigger in double action mode. To say that the stock DA trigger on a P-64 is heavy is something of an understatement. Now, truth be told, under stress, I don't think I'd even notice it, but at the range, twenty-odd pounds of pull is a bit much. Still, it worked, and that was what I wanted to find out. Subsequent rounds in single action mode were positively sweet. That little pistol can shoot. I am really, really looking forward to working on it some. It was also nice to know that the Hornady hollow points fed with no problems at all.
Next came the CZ-82, which is a pure joy to shoot. Seriously, if you want a fun, cheap pistol I highly recommend them. The 9x18's a passable self-defense round too. Very much on a par with the .380. It also had no issues with the hollow points, and that's what I wanted to find out.
That done, it was time for some work with my .22. My little Ruger 22/45 is by far my most shot gun. Cheap to shoot, and lots of fun for a good practice session. I always put a couple hundred rounds through it whenever I take it out, and today was no execption. I was shooting at 15 yards, which is still a challenge for me, and tends to highlight my errors. In other words, exactly what I need.
Three goals for the afternoon accomplished, it was time to work on the SKS's zero. The last time I had it out, the B-Square sight tool just wasn't up to snuff on my Yugo SKS and I had to leave the job undone. This time, with a Tapco tool, I was in business. After setting up a target on the 50 yard line, I started to work shooting three shot groups. Now, no SKS is ever going to be scary accurate, but honestly, it didn't take very long to get the holes appearing where I wanted them to. The next time I take it out, I'll be shooting at 100 yards, and my only goal for today was to get it into the ball park, so that next trip will go better.
About this time, a couple of car loads of guys showed up. Two fathers and their teen-aged boys, both of whom were very interested in the SKS. I let the range go cold and waited for them to get set up. Once we were hot again, I put a few more rounds downrange myself, and when I had ten rounds left, got up and offered five to each of the boys. They were both excited by the opportunity, to say the least, and I had as much fun watching them shoot, as I would have shooting those last ten myself.
It was closing time to the public, and the on-duty guys called it a day and went home, leaving us there for some fun. Thirty-seven gallon milk jugs filled with water came out of a truck, along with several bundles of wet newsprint. Guns included a couple of large bore revolvers, an M1A, several ARs, half a dozen 1911s, and an Auto Ordnance semi-auto Thompson clone. Since it was still raining, back out came the two 9x18s of mine and the box of Silver Bear, and we all commenced having fun. Let me tell you, even semi-auto, the Thompson is a LOT of fun to shoot, and nicely accurate. Truth be told, my Hi-Point carbine is as much fun to shoot, but lacks the panache of the Tommy gun. There has got to be one in my future. Just because. Anyway, I acquitted myself well with the 1911s offered, as well as with the Thompson and my own little commie guns. More importantly, it was a great afternoon with some new friends. My thanks to Brian and Rick for letting me share.
The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.
12 April 2009
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- CaptainAttila
- I'm well on my way to a cantankerous old age waiting for the Singularity.
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