The musings of a cranky fifty-something on life.
24 July 2006
One of my favorite movies, "It's a Wonderful Life" has George Bailey see what life would be like if he hadn't existed. Who doesn't have those moments when we wonder if we've made the right choices in life, or if we've made a difference anywhere? I know that I've been there from time to time, and Lord knows, life's taken a few swerves that I wouldn't have anticipated. The one thing that I've remained certain of through the years is that I married the right gal.
Thirty years ago today, these two kids of twenty tied the knot at St. Paul's Episcopal in Winona, Minnesota. The Reverend George Goodried was the officiant, and the service came from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Reverend Goodried had baptized her, and there was no doubt in my mind that the wrath of God would be called down upon my head by him if any harm ever came to her. That was her mother's wedding dress, and while you can't see them, her engagement and wedding rings were my grandmother's. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. We were holding hands throughout the ceremony, and I'll never forget her swinging them back and forth slightly the whole time. The reception was at the church and just a very small affair, but wonderful nonetheless.
Now, three decades and as many kids of our own later, (all of whom are now older than we were when we married) we still feel like the kids we were then, even if we do look a bit older. (and where did all that forehead come from?) We've had our moments from time to time, but we're still holding hands, and Lord willing, we'll never stop. There's no greater joy in my life than making her happy and I've one simple goal, to make it to an even century together. I'm enough of an optimist to think we will.
Mom, George and Nana are only in our thoughts now, but the wedding dress is still with us, as are the rings. Anniversaries are important reminders of where we began, and they always point toward the promise of what's to come. May you be as blessed as we.
About Me
- CaptainAttila
- I'm well on my way to a cantankerous old age waiting for the Singularity.